There are endless beauty remedies – potions to lotions.  Everyone wants to look fresh and healthy.  With our aging population, anti-aging remedies are becoming popular.  Which one to choose?  There are so many.  Here are some suggested benchmarks when shopping for health, food & beauty products:

  1. Look for products with organic or natural ingredients.  The fact remains that many of the chemicals added to beauty products have not been tested well for safety.  They are being tested on you!
  2. Beauty is more than skin deep.  What you eat will also influence your skin and hair.  You also want natural food without hidden chemical sprays or additives.  Be sure to read the labels of what you buy.  Two products side by side on the grocery shelf may contain little or lots of additives.
  3. Look for alternative products that will do the same things as the manufactured ones.  Some of these are called home remedies.  Here’s an example: use honey, coconut oil and lemon juice for a bad cough.  I like to add rum to mine just before bed!

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